Charlotte Hawkins
Stood in the 2024 local election
Wolverhampton West
Fallings Park
She received 161 votes, coming ahead of the Liberal Democrat candidate, taking just over 7% of all votes!
Hi, my name is Charlotte and I am a Mother, Sister and Daughter and so Party Of Women and its message is integral to my life. I am also a paramedic, a profession that is based on evidence, science and has biology at its foundation. I am standing for election in Fallings Park ward in Wolverhampton.
I joined Party Of Women because I am aware of how dangerous gender ideology is and now I know, I am not able to do nothing. I am fearful for my daughter’s future and as her mother it is my job to ensure her safety and dignity.
In addition to the standard local problems faced by local councils, I will particularly focus on the gender ideology spreading through our primary schools, and equip our GP surgeries with the knowledge and tools to manage those presenting to them.
When I think about the last 4 weeks I understand the saying “Baptism of fire” it has been exactly that, in every positive sense. You really do realise how strong, resilient, commited and right you really are. Initially I felt relief that I could finally do something practical, I have been speaking out about this for a while now and that has come at the cost of my career and close friendships. This felt different though, this felt powerful and I cannot thank Kellie-Jay enough for her ambition to get the Party up and running, and Mandy for her knowledge and support, it would have been a near impossible task without her guidance.
I remember the feeling when the first delivery of leaflets arrived, I felt proud that my name was printed next to the “Adult Human Female” statement, I felt outrageous that I was going to be posting the words penis and vagina through local letterboxes, but I felt ready to get started. I had an army of women with me from the start, it's heartwarming to know that I wasn’t the only person daring to be honest, and we got to work straight away. The response was brilliant, lots of “well done” and "good on ya”, lots of conversations with people who were impressed by the message and keen to give their opinion. Women were desperate to talk about what is going on in their workplace, their children’s schools, the local gym, and I lapped it up! I think when you're so used to having conversations that always feel like your having to defend yourself it is cathartic to talk. The TRA’s were quick to jump on the campaign but this was purely online and it was nice knowing that we were touching a nerve. It spurred me on more.
Election day was brilliant, I obviously voted and there was so much interested across the polling stations about POW -this was exactly what we wanted. The count was incredible! I arrived to lots of other candidates eager to meet me and express how impressed they were with the speed and quality of our campaigning. A Conservative candidate told me he had put the leaflet on his fridge and encouraged his teenagers to read it. Again, this is exactly what we wanted. Once the count started and I saw how many people had voted for POW, I knew it had been a success…. 161 people made the effort to support the party, 161 people understood the message.
Initially, when I told my family what I was planning to do my dear Dad’s response was “well, only women could do this”. I have two sisters, so he is well rehearsed in the power of head strong women and I absolutely think he is right. Only women can take on this fight, whilst raising their children, taking care of their homes, and working hard. We are women and we are spectacular.
Campaign experience